Small-scale ManufacturingOne of the important technical challenges facing micropower systems is the ability to manufacture small devices to high precision. Because the length, mass, and power constraints for personal autonomy are significantly larger than those typically considered the range of microelectromechanical systems (MEMS), the precise photolithographic methods available to MEMS have limited usefulness in the micropower arena. At the same time, macroscale manufacturing tolerances are insufficient to achieve high performance in sub-centimeter system packages. This challenge has given rise to a field of "mesoscale" manufacturing. These mesoscale techniques include scaled down macromachining methods like wire electrodischarge machining (EDM) as well as deposition methods scaled up from the MEMS environment. Rapid prototyping will also be an important tool for developing micropower systems.
Contact Personal Power Systems: 100 Engineering Gateway University of California, Irvine, Irvine, California 92697-2625 pps@uci.edu 949-824-8745 |
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