Current Status
functionality and performance of devices
that enhance autonomous human mobility, monitoring,
and communication are growing rapidly, and
power sources to energize these mobile systems
are critical to supporting this growth. Unfortunately,
the methods available for powering these
devices are not equally advanced. Personal
autonomy, through portable networks, computation
and communication, hand-held or hand-launched
robotic devices, artificial organs, and exoskeletal
systems, still requires new compact power
sources. |
Even though current technology fails to deliver sufficient energy and power density in the size needed for autonomy.
Figure 1. shows three promising examples of power sources (circled in black) close to achieving PPS power demands:
1. model airplane engines
2. hummingbird metabolism
3. fuel cells
These three motivate the thermochemical, biochemical, and electrochemical power production strategies to be developed and hybridized in the PPS. |
1. Thermal power
2. Biochemical power
3. Electrochemical power
4. hybrid designs
5. Personal powers systems |